This is an alphabetical listing in groups of 50. For more, see the index.
If you want to search the Knowledge Base, you may prefer to use the main Marshal Knowledge Base interface.
Email Content Manager (MailMarshal Exchange)
- Messages that do not contain viruses are blocked by the 'Block Virus' rule
- Messages with large attachments are deadlettered
- Microsoft Office Documents are blocked as Binary Unknown files
- Old engine file can't be deleted after engine update
- Password protected WinRAR (.rar) files are deadlettered
- PGP messages are received as an attachment
- Plaintext emails are being blocked by the 'Unknown Attachment' rule
- PostCategorize: recipient count property not found.
- Premium Journaling journals messages twice
- Preventing automatic updates from restarting MailMarshal services
- Problem connecting to Report Server
- Prompted for user credentials when accessing the Spam Quarantine Management Console
- Quarantine Management cannot authenticate user during initial configuration
- Quarantine Management cannot manage messages
- Repeated system restart when installing SQL Express
- Required Database Permissions for Creation, Upgrade, and Normal Use
- Resetting the authentication mode for the Spam Quarantine Management Web site
- Retrieving all email addresses from LDAP
- Retrieving Distribution Group addresses from Active Directory
- Retrieving the group email address for AD Universal Groups
- Scheduling MailMarshal (SEG) or ECM Configuration Backup
- Server details in the Configurator, Console, or Web Consoles are empty
- Services will not start due to Internal error 2140
- Setting Windows Locale (date format) for Marshal product services
- Should I use MailMarshal SMTP and/or MailMarshal Exchange?
- Some recipients of large distribution lists do not receive emails
- SpamCensor changes for upgrade to MailMarshal Exchange 5.2
- SQL errors appear every 1 to 5 minutes in the event logs.
- SQL Server (64 bit) consuming all memory
- SQM or Customer Console "Remember Me" not working
- SQM Website loads slowly
- SQM Website URL not configured
- Strategy for adding image compliance to MailMarshal
- Supported Operating Systems and Prerequisite Versions (MailMarshal Exchange)
- Supported Releases Policy for the Marshal Product Line
- The Exchange Badmail directory has an increasing number of copies of the same message.
- The server you are connecting to is mismatched to this console
- The target server is not a MailMarshal Array Manager. It Appears to be a MailMarshal Controller.
- Tips for excluding SEG, ECM, or WebMarshal folders from Sophos scanning
- Transport Agent does not install under Exchange 2013 SP1
- Troubleshooting Connectivity issues with MRC and MailMarshal or WebMarshal databases
- Turning off the "Return Path" option within message templates
- Unable to add alternate e-mail address in SpamConsole
- Unable to import users from Active Directory using LDAP
- Updates fail due to SSL certificate issues
- Updating Root Certificates for use by WebMarshal, SEG, and ECM
- Upgrade of Array nodes fails with "RPC call timed-out"
- User Group Pruning
- Using Image Analyzer after upgrade to MailMarshal Exchange 5.2
- Using Locale specific date and time settings with MailMarshal