Unable to add alternate e-mail address in SpamConsole

This article applies to:

  • Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG) 6.X or 7.X Spam Quarantine Management website
  • Trustwave ECM/MailMarshal Exchange 7.X Quarantine Management website
  • Forms (Email Address and Password) authentication


  • When confirming an alternate e-mail address for the SQM or QM end user management website, you encounter the following error:
  • Error: VerifyAlias. Database Procedure Failed. User '<alternate email address>' already uses email address '<login email address>'


When using Forms authentication to access this website, you cannot add an alternate e-mail address that is already the primary address associated with a login. For example, if one user registers the login someuser@marshal.com with the SpamConsole, a secondary user with the login anotheruser@marshal.com cannot add someuser@marshal.com as one of its alternate e-mail addresses.


This behavior is by design. In order to resolve this conflict, the conflicting login must be removed.

MailMarshal SMTP 6.4 and above, MailMarshal Exchange 7.X:

In current versions, users can be removed through the Administrator tab of the SQM or QM website.

MailMarshal SMTP versions below 6.4:

The user must be removed from the User and UserAlias tables within SQL manually. In the example above, if you wished to associate someuser@marshal.com with the anotheruser@marshal.com login, you would do the following from your SQL server:

C:\Documents and Settings\root\Desktop>osql -E
1>use MailMarshal
1>delete UserAlias where emailaddress='primaryuser@marshal.com'
2>delete [user] where username='someuser@marshal.com'

NOTE: You should replace MailMarshal above with the name of the database used by your MailMarshal installation

The user logging in as anotheruser@marshal.com should now be able to add someuser@marshal.com as one of their alternate e-mail addresses through the normal channels.

Last Modified 3/1/2020.