7 Understanding Policy Elements

Policy elements are building blocks you can use when you create WebMarshal policy groups and rules. These elements help you to specify complex rule conditions and rule actions.

Some examples of each type of element are provided by default when you install WebMarshal with the default configuration. These examples are used in the default access policy.

You can edit the existing elements or create new ones to support your policy requirements.   


Tip: You can see how WebMarshal uses any item by viewing the properties of the item. For example, a User could be included in User Groups and used in Rules. A URL Category could be included in other Categories and used in Rules.

To view the properties of an item, select it and click the Properties icon in the toolbar, or use the right-click menu.

To open a rule or category that uses an item, select it in the properties window and then click Jump To.

For details of the available options, see Help for each Properties window.

WebMarshal provides the following types of elements:

User Groups

Allow you to apply policy based on user accounts or workstation IP addresses. For more information, see “User Groups”.

URL Categories

Allow you to apply policy based on requested URLs. Categories can include manually entered URLs as well as information obtained from external filtering lists. For more information, see “Understanding URL Categories”.

URL Filtering Lists

Allow you to configure external lists sources for URL categories, including text based imports, DNS Blacklists, and the Trustwave Web Filter Database. For more information, see “Configuring URL Filter­ing Lists”.


Allow you to apply policy based on the time of day and day of the week. For more information, see “Configuring Access Using Schedules”.

TextCensor Scripts

Allow you to apply policy based on the text content of uploads and downloads. For more information, see “Identifying Web Content Using TextCensor Scripts”.


Allow you to classify files and requests based on rule criteria. For more information, see “Logging Activity with Classifications”.


Allow you to limit browsing activity by time and bandwidth. For more information, see “Configuring Access Using Quotas”.

Malware Protection

Allows you to check downloads and uploads for viruses, malware, and other malicious content using third party scanners. For more information, see “Scanning Overview”.

WebMarshal User Guide October 2023
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