12.3 Trustwave Web Filter Database

WebMarshal includes support for the Trustwave Web Filter Database (previously known as the M86 Filter List). The list contains 116 categories and is licensed from Trustwave under the WebMarshal license key for the installation. A 30 day trial is provided with all trial installations of WebMarshal. Customers who have never used a trial of the Web Filter Database can also start a 30 day trial at any time. For information on how to purchase the filter list contact Trustwave. Expiration and Re-activation

If your installation is using a WebMarshal trial key, when it expires the Web Filter Database will no longer update and will stop categorizing. If your installation is using a full Web Filter Database license and it expires the list will no longer receive updates. 30 days after the expiration date the filtering list will stop categorizing. An expired license can be re-activated by payment of the license fee to Trustwave.

12.3.1 Integration Information

Information on using the Web Filter Database within WebMarshal is provided in “Understanding URL Categories”. Enabling and disabling Filtering List integration is covered in “Configuring Filtering List Updates”.

12.3.2 Prerequisites

The Trustwave Web Filter Database has the following prerequisites:

800 MB of available disk space on each processing node (allowing for multiple copies of the database while updating).

Internet access (HTTP and HTTPS) from all processing servers (to download updates), and from the Array Manager (for initial license validation only, required only when you first set up the list).

12.3.3 Checking and Reviewing Trustwave Web Filter URL Listings

Trustwave provides a web based service that allows you to check a specific URL against the most current categorizations in the master Web Filter database. You can learn whether the URL is categorized, and if so in which Filtering Categories. You can access this service in WebMarshal Console by selecting URL Check and Review from the Tools menu. You can also access the service from the WebMarshal Support area on the Trustwave website.

You can also check a URL with the Test Access Policy function in the Console (Tools > Test Policy). Use the Browse Site option. On the Results tab, below the access result section, the section “Filtering List Categories” shows all categorizations for each active Filtering List.

To submit a URL for reconsideration, see the Submit a Site page on the Trustwave website.

If you want to allow some users access to a particular URL that would normally be blocked due to Web Filter categorization, set up a WebMarshal Rule allowing an exception for the required URL and allowed User Group.

WebMarshal User Guide October 2023
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Full document: see WebMarshal Documentation.