12.1 FileFilter

FileFilter retrieves URL categorizations from files that you maintain. The files must have the extension .txt and must be placed in the FileFilter directory within the WebMarshal Array Manager installation (%WebMarshal%\ArrayManager\Policy\FilteringLists\FileFilter).

WebMarshal also automatically populates FileFilter files for Office 365 endpoints, based on the Office 365 URLs and IP address ranges service provided by Microsoft.

FileFilter supports up to 256 categories. Each category must be maintained in a separate file.


Note: If there are more than 256 categories then they will not all be loaded by WebMarshal.


The file format is as follows:

[<Category> <Name>]


<Category> is a unique integer that WebMarshal will use to record results of FileFilter categoriza­tion, such as: 101

<Name> is the friendly name of the category that will appear in user interfaces and reports, such as: Porn

<Url> is a domain name, and optionally includes a path, file name, and query string.



If the URL (domain/path part) ends with a trailing / it is matched as a path.

If the URL ends with a character other than / it is matched as a specific file name.

The URL can include a query string of one or two parameters after the domain/path part. For details, see “URL Query String Matching”.

If the URL includes other parts such as a port number, user credentials, or protocol (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP), these additional parts are ignored when matching the URL.


A domain entry matches all subdomains.

A path entry matches all deeper paths and files.

For instance, https://trustwave.com/ also matches https://www.trustwave.com/ and https://login.trustwave.com/path/

You can use the wildcard * at the beginning and/ or end of the domain part. For instance, *.trustwave.* matches https://www.trustwave.com/ and https://login.trustwave.co.uk/path/  



Items with query string parts containing more than two items will be imported, but only the first two items will be matched.




Several sample files are included with the WebMarshal distribution. These files demonstrate the functionality. Trustwave does not provide updates for these files.


Note: Changes in the text files are loaded into WebMarshal once a day, on the reload schedule for filtering lists. To load changes sooner, use the Update Now button on the Filtering List tab of WebMarshal Properties, or commit WebMarshal Configuration.


WebMarshal User Guide October 2023
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