9.7 Setting Up Accounts

MailMarshal accounts consist of a user name and password. You can use accounts for two purposes:

To authenticate user connections using a Connection Policy rule, or check for authenticated connec­tions using a Content Analysis rule. For more information, see “Where sender has authenticated” and “Where the DKIM verification result is”.


Note: If you use this feature to allow one or more accounts to relay email, consider the following best practices:

Ensure that these accounts have strong passwords. If an account password is guessed by a malicious person, MailMarshal could become an open relay. Change the passwords periodically.

Use accounts that are only used for this purpose, and not Windows accounts with other permissions. Password transmission during authentication is not strongly secured.

You can also check authentication using an Active Directory group. This option does not require you to enter account details in MailMarshal. It may be useful if many accounts are allowed to authenticate, or if accounts change frequently. For details, see Trustwave Knowledge Base article Q16649.


To specify users for the MailMarshal POP3 server. If you will be using accounts for POP3 delivery, set up a default routing table with POP3 routing for all required domains before creating accounts. For more information about POP3 domains, see “Editing Routing Table Information”.


Note: The MailMarshal POP3 server is not designed to be used in an installation with more than one email processing server.


9.7.1 Creating Accounts

Create accounts using the MailMarshal Management Console.

To create accounts:

1.In the left pane of the Management Console click Policy Elements, and then click Accounts.

2.Click Add.

3.Enter the details for the user name and authentication information in the New Account window.

4.Enter one or more appropriate SMTP aliases for email delivery to this account's POP3 mailbox. Enter the complete addresses. Use the Enter key to complete each entry. Only use domain names for which MailMarshal is functioning as a POP3 local domain server, based on the active Routing Table.


Note: If the routing table includes POP3 delivery for “Local Domains,” you can enter the special value Local Domains for the domain part of the alias (for example, someuser@Local Domains). This entry ensures that email directed to the account name at any local domain will be correctly delivered. This value is case sensitive and the space between words is required.

If you want to use the account only for authentication, type none.

If you enter the same SMTP alias in more than one POP3 account, messages directed to that alias will be delivered to all of the mailboxes.


5.If the password fields are blank, MailMarshal will use Windows authentication to determine access for this account. In this case, ensure that the account name matches the name of a valid Windows user account that can be authenticated on all email processing servers.

6.To add the account, click Save.

7.Continue to add other accounts.

8.Click Commit Configuration Changes.

9.7.2 Editing Existing Accounts

Edit an account to change the password or email addresses associated with the account.

To edit an existing account:

1.In the left pane of the Management Console click Policy Elements, and then click Accounts.

2.Double-click the account you want to edit.

3.Change the password and aliases as required.

4.Click Save.

9.7.3 Deleting Accounts

Delete accounts that are no longer required. If you delete an account used for email delivery, you should also delete the delivery folder from the MailMarshal sending queue directory.

To delete an account:

1.In the left pane of the Management Console click Policy Elements, and then click Accounts.

2.Select the account you want to delete.

3.Click Delete.

4.To remove the delivery folder, on the processing server use Windows Explorer. Within the MailMarshal installation navigate to the \Queues\Sending\ directory.

5.Back up the contents of the subdirectory for the account that you deleted.

6.Delete the subdirectory.

Trustwave MailMarshal 10.2.5 User Guide August 2024
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Full document: see MailMarshal Documentation.