9.3 Configuring Local Domains

You configure a list of local email domains when you install MailMarshal. You may need to update this configuration if you change internal email servers, or if you add more Internet domains.


Note: The list of local domains configured in MailMarshal should always match the DNS MX records that direct email from the Internet to MailMarshal.


You can specify delivery options for local domains as part of a Route Table. Delivery options include relay to an internal email server (known as a relay domain in earlier versions of MailMarshal), or POP3 delivery by MailMarshal (known as a POP3 domain in earlier versions of MailMarshal).

If you are using an array of MailMarshal email processing servers, you can choose to set different delivery routes on each email processing server.

Local Domain settings also include DKIM and DMARC configuration, and a list of details of “executives” used in fraud detection rules.

To view the list of configured Local Domains, in the left pane of the Management Console click System Configuration, and then select Local Domains from the right pane menu.

9.3.1 Changing Local Domains Information

You can change the list of domains MailMarshal recognizes as local.


Note: To change delivery locations for Local Domains, see “Configuring Routes”.


To change the list of local domains:

1.In the left pane of the Management Console click System Configuration, and then select Local Domains from the right pane menu.

2.The Local Domains window displays a list of the local domains, and the administrative addresses and other information associated with each domain.


3.Select the action you want to perform:

To create a new local domain listing, click Add.

To edit an existing local domain listing, highlight it and then click Edit.

To delete an existing local domain listing, highlight it and then click Delete.

For details of the fields on the Local Domain windows, see Help for each window.

Trustwave MailMarshal 10.2.5 User Guide August 2024
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