Creating Language Packs for the SQM website in MailMarshal SPE

This article applies to:

  • MailMarshal SPE 3.6 and above


  • How can I create language-specific versions of the MailMarshal SPE Spam Quarantine Management site?

Note: For help with site themes, see Trustwave Knowledgebase article Q16189. For Trustwave SEG, see Trustwave Knowledgebase article Q11916.


The Spam Quarantine Management website is implemented in ASP.NET. This implementation supports customization with Language Packs.

For MailMarshal SPE 3.6 and above, Trustwave provides language packs for English, French, and Spanish (Help files in English only).

All site functionality is supported in each of these languages.

You can create new language packs. This article provided general guidance.

  • Best practice is not to change the default items. Always make a copy and work on the copy. Be sure to test any changes carefully.
  • Review changes in a test environment before applying them to the live SPE environment.
  • When you add a language or Theme, you will see the new item the next time you open your browser and log in to the site. 

Note: Trustwave does not provide detailed support for new languages. You will need to have an appropriate level of technical skill to translate terms, and make changes to resource files and web pages.

Creating New Language Packs:

To create a Language Pack:

  1. On the computer where MailMarshal SPE Customer Console is installed, navigate to the language resource folder in the SQM installation folder. By default this is
    • 4.X: C:\Program Files\Trustwave\Trustwave SPE\CustomerConsole\SQM\App_GlobalResources
    • 3.X 64 bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Marshal\MailMarshal SPE\CustomerConsole\SQM\App_GlobalResources
  2. Make a copy of the file Language.resx in the same folder.
  3. Name the copy where Language.xx.resx where xx is the ISO language code of the language you want to support.
    • For instance, use for Swedish.
  4. Edit the new file using a Resource Editor.
    • You can also use an XML editor, or a text editor, but ensure that all text you enter is XML-safe (for instance, & must be encoded as &).
  5. For each Data Name, change the Value to an appropriate translation. For instance, here is the same item from the English and French files:
      <data name="AddNewEmailAddress" xml:space="preserve">
        <value>Add New Email Address</value>

      <data name="AddNewEmailAddress" xml:space="preserve">
        <value>Ajouter une nouvelle adresse e-mail</value>

  6. Save the translated file.
  7. You may find that you need to create a custom theme for some languages, especially if the text of button items is longer than the English text. For help with site themes, see Trustwave Knowledgebase article Q16189.

To create Help in a language:

  1. On the computer where MailMarshal SPE Customer Console is installed, navigate to the Help folder in the SQM installation folder. By default on a 64 bit system this is
    • 4.X: C:\Program Files\Trustwave\Trustwave SPE\CustomerConsole\SQM\
    • 3.X 64 bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Marshal\MailMarshal SPE\CustomerConsole\SQM\
  2. Make a copy of the subfolder \en.
  3. Name the copy xx where xx is the ISO language code of the language you want to support.
  4. Edit each ASPX and HTML file, and provide a translation of the page text.
    • Changing the content of HTML or ASP tags on these pages is not supported. In many cases, these tags provide automation functionality.

Upgrade Behavior:

When you upgrade MailMarshal SPE, the default language packs and themes will be overwritten. Any additional language packs or themes that you have created will not be changed.

  • After upgrading, you should review differences between the default language file and other language files, and make changes as appropriate.

Last Modified 1/14/2018.