Announcing New Temporary Filtering Categories for ''FIFA World Cup'' Content

This article applies to:

  • R3000
  • Web Filter
  • WFR


Announcing New Temporary Filtering Categories for 'FIFA World Cup' Content:

Trustwave is pleased to announce the temporary addition of two new categories to assist Web Filter (R3000) customers with the bandwidth and security concerns that Soccer World Cup brings.

The two new categories will consist of:

World Cup News - A collection of sites that center on providing news and information about the World Cup tournament. Please note that most of these sites will also be categorized as Sports.

World Cup Streaming - A collection of sites that provide a streaming audio or video feed of World Cup tournament games. The Match Schedule for the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil was announced in Zürich on 20 October 2011

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Trustwave providing these temporary categories?

An event like World Cup can often be a concern for security and network administrators. Any event that increases Internet traffic can also increase bandwidth. There is also the productivity aspect to consider. Every minute that a user spends on World Cup is a minute that is lost from a productivity standpoint.

In addition, any events that can drive additional web traffic to specific sites is something that cyber-criminals will often target. We saw this in the past with the Olympics and with the Presidential Inauguration; cyber-criminals targeted these events with attempts to infect systems with various Botnets. Trustwave believes this event will be no different.

Trustwave is committed to helping our customers handle these concerns.

What can I do with these categories?

You have several options with these categories. Below is a list of options:

Do Nothing/Report - You can choose to perform no action from a blocking/warning standpoint, and simply report on the usage by your users.

Warn - You can set these categories to provide a Warning to your users that they may violate the Acceptable Use Policy by visiting these categories. You would then be able to report on any usage by your users.

Quota - You can provide a quota for the amount of time your users spend in these categories. This will allow you to ensure that users do not spend an inordinate amount of time visiting these sites, without blocking the users outright. Once a user has exceeded their allotted time in these categories, they will be blocked from access for the remainder of the day. You will also have the ability to report on usage by your users.

Block - You can choose to block these categories. This would stop users from accessing these categories all together.

Combination of the above - For example, you could choose to block the streaming content, and warn or quota the news content. You will then have the ability to report on usage by your users.

Thank you for your continued business with Trustwave. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our technical support staff using the details on the Contact Support page.

Last Modified 5/22/2012.