How are TRACEnet hits calculated?

This article applies to:

  • WebMarshal 6.5 and above


  • Why does the Dashboard counter show multiple TRACEnet hits for a single browsing event?
  • Where can I see a detailed list of URLs that triggered TRACEnet action?


TRACEnet increments the "Threats Blocked" count on the dashboard each time a listed URL is requested through WebMarshal.

One visit to a site can result in more than one "threat blocked" entry.

  • Browsers often request additional items such as the "favicon.ico" file in the background.
  • Browser may request a blocked item again without user action.

To see a detailed list of the user sessions and items requested:

  1. Temporarily set the WebMarshal Engine logging level to Full (Console > Server and Array Properties > Advanced Settings).
  2. View the TRACEnet log file. This file is located within the WebMarshal install location on each processing node, in the Logging\WMEngine\ScanEngine\TRACEnet folder by default.


Full logging uses significant resources. Trustwave recommends that you do not keep full logging enabled for extended periods.


Last Modified 9/9/2009.