This article applies to:
- Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG) Spam Quarantine Management website
- Trustwave ECM/MailMarshal Exchange 7.X Quarantine Management website
- How do I configure the SQM/QM website so it can be accessed through HTTPS?
To allow HTTPS for these websites, follow the steps below.
- For production sites, to avoid client issues Trustwave recommends you purchase a certificate from a Certificate Authority.
- Depending on the version of Windows/IIS, you may need to use a separate IP address or port for each HTTPS site hosted on a server. Current versions of IIS support binding multiple HTTPS sites using SNI.
For IIS 7.X and above:
- On the server where the website is installed, access Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager (found in Administrative Tools).
- On the IIS server home page, open Server Certificates. Install a certificate, or create a self-signed certificate. For assistance see IIS help.
- Navigate to the virtual website hosting the SQM or QM site. SQM installs to the default website by default. QM installs to a new website by default.
- On the Actions toolbar, click Bindings. Add a HTTPS binding for the site.
- If you want to allow only HTTPS: on the site page in IIS, open SSL Settings and check Require SSL.
- If you have required HTTPS, change the URL used in Digests and other QM emails. For details, see Trustwave Knowledgebase article Q10263.