This article applies to:
- Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG)
- Mail is backing up in MailMarshal.
- MailMarshal cannot send email to the Microsoft Exchange server and the Microsoft Exchange server cannot send email to MailMarshal.
- Incoming email is backing up in MailMarshal (this can be seen in the MailMarshal Console) and outgoing mail is backing up in the Microsoft Exchange server.
- Email is not being delivered, received, or sent.
- The MailMarshal Sender log file has an error message indicating that the Microsoft Exchange server is "temporarily not accepting mail".
The Microsoft Exchange server has run out of hard disk space and therefore cannot receive or send email.
Free up enough hard disk space on the Microsoft Exchange server to allow the Microsoft Exchange services to run normally.
- This article was previously published as:
- NETIQKB28928
- Marshal KB12