MailMarshal (SEG) 10 Upgrade Preview

This article applies to:

  • Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG) 10.X
  • Upgrading from 8.X
  • NOTE: The minimum installed version required for upgrade to current releases is 8.3.2


  • How can I check for prerequisite and configuration upgrade problems before attempting upgrade to MailMarshal (SEG) 10.X?


The MailMarshal (SEG) 10.X installer includes a prerequisite and configuration checker. When you run the upgrade setup, if any issues are found you will be notified and setup will not proceed.

You can also download the prerequisite check tool and run it from a command line. The end of the output summarizes any validation failures. The output is saved to a logfile.

  1. Download the MailMarshal (SEG) 10 configuration converter file from the product download page (requires login). This file includes the executable and required supporting libraries.
  2. On the SEG Array Manager server, unzip the file to any convenient location (not the SEG install location).
  3. Open a command prompt and navigate to the unzipped folder.
  4. Run MMUpgradeToX prereqs
  5. If any issues are found, the final lines of the output show [FAILED] and basic information about each failed item.
  6. The log file is named SegXUpgradeTool.log and includes the same information presented in the command window. Details of each failed item are present.

Issues and resolutions:

The following issues can be reported by the preview tool. 

Invalid versions

  • MailMarshal is not installed on this computer.
    • Ensure you are running the tool on a version 8.X Array Manager
  • The installed version cannot be determined.
    • MailMarshal configuration may be corrupt. 
  • The installed version is not supported.
    • Upgrade to current versions of MailMarshal (10.1 and above) is supported from SEG 8.3.2. This is a change from 10.0.
      • To upgrade from 8.2 or below, first upgrade to 8.3.2
  • RPC to Array Manager is not available. Please check ArrayManager service is running
    • Ensure the Array Manager is running.
  • Not able to connect to the database.
    • Ensure the SEG database is running and accessible.


  • REST server not enabled.
    • Use the SEG Server Tool to enable the SEG REST Server. This service is required by MailMarshal (SEG) 10.X for communication with the new web interface.
  • WebDAV is enabled on IIS. Please remove WebDAV module first before continuing.
    • WebDAV is not compatible with the SEG management interface. See Trustwave KB article Q21096 for more information.

Configuration issues

  • SpamCensor types are no longer supported. Please remove them first before continuing.
    • "Filter by type" for Category rules is no longer supported. Use the SEG Configurator to locate and update any Category rules that use the "filter by type" options for the Spam category.
  • Invalid Connector User Groups detected in the configuration. Please correct them first before continuing.
    • The SEG configuration includes imported usergroups with the same Fully Qualified Name that have been imported through different Connectors. For details of the resolution steps, see Knowledgebase article Q21122.
  • Malformed rules detected in the configuration. Please correct them first before continuing.
    • The SEG configuration includes rules that cannot be updated (usually rules updated over several previous upgrades). 
    • For details, see items in SegXUpgradeTool.log. The rule name and issue is specified. For example:
      • configuration: Invalid goto action in rule: Rule name. To fix this issue, edit the named rule and select a valid "go to" target.
      • configuration: Invalid spam criteria in rule: Rule name. To fix this issue, edit the named rule and update the criteria, or delete the rule.

Last Modified 8/22/2024.