Enabling debug logging for the SQM

This article applies to:

  • Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG) 
  • Trustwave ECM/MailMarshal Exchange 7.X 


  • How do I enable additional logging for the Spam Quarantine Management website?
  • How do I enable additional logging for the ECM Quarantine Management website?


Follow the steps below to create a debugging log for the SQM.

  1. Navigate to the SQM installation folder (for MailMarshal (SEG) 10.X, typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Trustwave\SEG Web Components\Spam Quarantine Management\ ).
    • For details of the install locations for each product version, see the following Knowledge Base articles:
      • Q10832 (SEG/MailMarshal SMTP)
      • Q14003 (ECM/MailMarshal Exchange)
  2. Edit the web.config file. In the section <appsettings> add a line as follows:
    <add key="Debug" value="True" />
  3. Save the changes.
  4. Create a sub folder called Logging.
  5. Open IIS manager, and select the server where the SQM website is stored. Note the Application Pool used for the SpamConsole application.
    • In recent versions this site uses a custom application pool. Older versions used the default application pool.
  6. Select Application Pools, right click on the specific application pool name you noted, and select Properties or Advanced Settings
  7. Change the Identity to Local System. This setting allows the process to write files locally.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Recycle the application pool.
  10. Restart the website where SQM is installed (typically the default website).


Once you have finished debugging the SQM:

  1. Remove <add key="Debug" value="True" /> from the web.config file.
  2. If you changed the application pool identity, set it back to the original value.
  3. Recycle the application pool.

Last Modified 4/1/2020.