
PRB: After restoring earlier version backup to 10.0.7, services do not start

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This article applies to:

  • Trustwave MailMarshal 10.0.7
  • Restored a configuration backup from earlier 10.0.X


  • Node processing services do not start


  • The restore overwrites all DLLs in the Config folder
  • This includes older and incompatible SSL libraries


To resolve this issue once it has occurred, perform a Repair installation on the MailMarshal Array Manager server, then ensure that the configuration is committed to all nodes. Once the files have been copied to the nodes, the services can be started.

After the repair install, it may be necessary to restart IIS and start the two MailMarshal websites on the Array Manager.


To import a 10.0.6 configuration without replacing these and other current DLLs, use the MMExportCfg utility with default options (do not select the "replace DLLs" switch). 

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