
FIX: Web Logs show incorrect time

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Web Logs show incorrect time

This article applies to:

  • SWG 11.6
  • SWG 11.7
  • SWG 11.8


  • Web Logs show a different time then the policy server and the scanners
  • All time settings on the policy server and scanners have been verified on the backend but Web Logs still show a different time


SSH to the policy server and check the timezone in postgresql:

Login to posgresql

psql -U finjan logs

logs=> show timezone;




(1 row)

You will notice that the timezone in the database is different than the timezone configured on the policy server and scanners.


To fix this you need to editpostgresql.conf (/opt/swg/configuration/data/postgresql/main/postgresql.conf).

Changed the two ‘GMT’ entries to‘US/Central’ or your desired timezone.

Restart postgresql (/etc/init.d/postgresql-9.3 restart).  You should see the change immediately in the web logs.  If you do not see an immediate change after restarting postgresql then the time zone format in postgresql.conf is not correct.

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