
ERRMSG: 3501 - Failed to deploy configuration (MMController error)

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This article applies to:

  • Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG)
  • Trustwave ECM/MailMarshal Exchange 7.X


Event ID: 3501
Type: Error
Source: MMController (MailMarshal SMTP) or MEXController (MailMarshal Exchange)
Description: Failed to deploy Configuration


This error occurs when the MailMarshal Controller retrieves configuration info from the Array Manager, but it is unable to copy the needed files into the NodeConfig directory on a mail processing node.


  • This error is typically a result of external processes locking the relevant configuration files.

To determine what process has the files locked, you can use Process Monitor from Microsoft. This application allows you to monitor which processes access the files, and what processes might have an exclusive lock on these files.

To learn more about Process Monitor and download it, search in Microsoft Technet for Sysinternals Process Monitor.

  • This error can also be a result of the configuration folders being deleted, or by permissions on the configuration directories having been changed so that the MailMarshal Controller service does not have read or write access.

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