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HOWTO: How do I obtain MailMarshal (SEG) or ECM license keys?

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This article applies to:

  • Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG)
  • Trustwave ECM/MailMarshal Exchange
  • Functionality applies to all product versions although names have changed


  • How do I obtain MailMarshal license keys?
  • What are the types of license keys available for MailMarshal?
  • What are the MailMarshal licensing options?
  • How do I get a full MailMarshal license?


Trial Keys

Installing current versions of MailMarshal SMTP/SEG or MailMarshal ECM/Exchange automatically generates a trial key that enables all features.

Trial keys have a fixed duration of 30 days, which starts from the time of key generation. If the product was previously installed on the same server, a shorter duration key will be created. If you have a need to trial the product for longer than 30 days, please contact your Trustwave Partner for a special extended trial key.

Other than the expiration date, trial keys provide access to all product features and are not limited.  

Full Keys

The full license key for most versions of MailMarshal is based on your domain SID, the computer SID, or the list of local domains as specified in MailMarshal. For more information see Trustwave Knowledge Base article Q10180.

Tip: To view and edit local domain information in MailMarshal SMTP current versions, or MailMarshal Exchange 7.X, see the Local Domains element in the Configurator menu tree. In other versions, see the Configurator > Server Properties, Local Domains tab.

How to get a Full Key
Once you have purchased MailMarshal, you need to obtain a full key. From the MailMarshal 10.X Management Console (or 8.X Configurator), you can send Trustwave an email containing your request.  Use the following procedure:

  1. I n the Management Console navigate to System Configuration > Array Properties > License. (8.X: in the Configurator Tools menu, select View License Details.)
  2. Click Request Key.
  3. Specify the appropriate values to request a key.
    • In the Additional Information field, provide any special notes or requests for specific modules to be licensed.
    • Also, it is helpful to include the customer account number or exact customer name from a previous purchase in the Additional Information. MailMarshal automatically sends the company name you entered at the time of installation, but company names often change.
    • Make sure that the requesting email address used will be able to receive the response email (not restricted by MailMarshal policy.)
  4. Click Send Request, and then click OK.
  5. The email is sent to Trustwave, and will include system details that Trustwave requires to generate a key.
  6. If you are having trouble sending email from SEG/MailMarshal:
    • In MailMarshal (SEG) 10.X, copy the information from the Seeds field on the License page, and send this with the other required information.
    • In SEG 8.X and below, the above steps also place a copy of the system details on the Windows clipboard. Paste the information from the clipboard, and send it to Trustwave by another method.
You can expect a reply from Trustwave, normally within two business days.

    What if I move my server, or change Local Domains?
    Keys are validated on the Array Manager, so if you have multiple processing servers you can move them freely.

    • For most keys, you can move the Array Manager server so long as it remains in the same Windows domain. If you modify the information that was used to generate the full product key, you will need a new key. In these cases, MailMarshal automatically generates a 14 day temporary key to give you plenty of time. Simply request a key as above.  Requesting a new full key costs you nothing and keys usually arrive within two business days of you submitting your request.
    • If you have a Local Domain linked key (this is unusual), you can freely change the IP addresses of the mail servers associated with these domains without needing a new key.

    If your trial key has expired, or your full key is invalidated by changes, MailMarshal displays a message that notifies you whether key expiration is impending or whether the key has expired. Depending on your selection, an expired key could either stop mail throughput, or allow mail to pass through with no rule action (no virus or content scanning).

    What about additional installation locations or Disaster Recovery setups?

    If you want an additional array for disaster recovery, or for processing at another gateway, you can use the same Full Key IF the Array Manager is joined to the same domain (assuming the key was based on the Windows domain). If the key does not work in the new location, you can request another full key. Be sure to include comments about why the key is required. MailMarshal is licensed on the number of email users, not the number of servers.

    Note: For additional capacity, even over multiple gateways, in most cases you should add processing nodes to a single array rather than creating new arrays.

    Add-on Modules

    How can I trial additional modules such as Antivirus products, Blended Threat analysis, and Image Analyzer?
    • All available add-on modules for MailMarshal are enabled by the standard trial keys. 
    • If you are an existing customer with a full key, please contact Trustwave or your Trustwave partner for a special time-limited full key.
    How can I get a full license for additional modules?
    • Bitdefender for Marshal, Sophos for Marshal, McAfee for Marshal, and Image Analyzer are licensed through the product key. If you have added a module to your license and received confirmation from Trustwave, you can submit a key request to get an updated key.
    • Blended Threats is provisioned automatically by the Array Manager. Ensure the Array Manager service has web access. The provisioning process can take up to 24 hours.
    • For any other antivirus products that you purchase through other channels, no change to the MailMarshal key is required. Contact the reseller for license information.


    Technical support does not administer full keys but they can provide a time limited (temporary) key for customers still holding a current subscription or maintenance contract.

    For Sales and Licensing questions contact    

    This article was previously published as:
    Marshal KB43

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