This article applies to:
- Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG)
- Trustwave ECM/MailMarshal Exchange
How do I disable DeadLetter and Undeliverable notifications to the Administrator mailbox?
In MailMarshal SMTP current versions, and MailMarshal Exchange 7.X, you can choose not to generate notifications.
- Launch the MailMarshal Configurator or MailMarshal (SEG) 10 Management Console.
- Go to Array Properties | Advances System Properties (or MailMarshal Properties).
- Select Templates.
- For each type of notification that you do not want to generate, from the menu, select *None*.
- Save the change, and then commit configuration changes.
For earlier versions of MailMarshal SMTP, there is a workaround available to allow the notification to be sent to an alternative mailbox for deletion.
First, create a new e-mail template:
- Launch the MailMarshal Configurator.
- Browse to the Message Templates in the left-hand pane.
- Right-click on Message Templates and select New Mail Template.
- Name the template similar to the following: "DeadLetter Notify Blackhole".
- The CC and BCC fields should be blank.
- Set the Return Path and From fields as needed.
- The To field should be a mail address you will setup on your mail server, such as "Blackhole".
- Leave all of the Attachments checkboxes clear (unchecked).
- The Message Body could be used to describe the function of this template, such as "This administrative alert will be sent to the 'Blackhole' e-mail account to be deleted."
- Click OK.
- You can use the same template for all items you want to have automatically deleted.
Second, create a new mailbox account on the mail server:
- The mailbox will need to match the To address used in the new template you just created.
- After setting up the new mailbox, you can create a server-based rule to delete all e-mail in the new mailbox.
Finally, change the location of the Dead Letter Template:
- Launch the MailMarshal Configurator.
- Go to Tools | Server Properties.
- Go to the Advanced tab and select Additional Options.
- Select Templates | Dead Letter [Engine].
- Select your newly created template from the drop-down list.
- Repeat for any other template types you do not want delivered.
- Commit configuration changes.
- This article was previously published as:
- NETIQKB39837