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PRB: Glossary of Firewall Suite Report Terms

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This article applies to:

  • Firewall Suite 4.X


What is a glossary of Firewall Suite Report Terms?



A graphic or a banner on a web page that when clicked, takes the visitor to another site.

Ad Clicks

A click on an advertisement on a web site which takes a user to another site, it is referred to as an Ad Click.

Ad Views

A web page that presents an ad. Once the visitor has viewed an ad, he/she can click it (see Ad Click). There may be more than one ad for an Ad View.


Technique by which access to Internet or Intranet resources requires the user to identify himself or herself by entering a username and password.


Measure (in kilobytes of data transferred) of the traffic on the site.


A program used to locate and view HTML documents (Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Internet Explorer, for example.)

Click through rate

Percentage of users who click a viewed advertisement. This is a good indication of the effectiveness of an ad.


The browser (see above) used by a visitor to a Web site.

Client Errors

An error occurring due to an invalid request by the visitor's browser. Client errors are in the 400-range. See "Return Code" definition.

Company Database

The database installed and used by Firewall Suite to look up the company name, city, state and country corresponding to a specific domain name.


Persistent Client-State HTTP Cookies are files containing information about visitors to a web site (e.g., user name and preferences). This information is provided by the user during the first visit to a Web server. The server records this information in a text file and stores this file on the visitors hard drive. When the visitor accesses the same web site again, the server looks for the cookie and configures itself based on the information provided.

Domain Name

The text name corresponding to the numeric IP address of a computer on the Internet (such as

Domain Name Lookup

The process of converting a numeric IP address into a text name (for example, is converted to


A means of narrowing the scope of a report or view by specifying ranges or types of data to include or exclude.


An HTML page which passes variables back to the server. These pages are used to gather information from users. Also referred to as scripts.


File Transfer Protocol is a standard method of sending files between computers over the Internet.


Graphics Interchange Format is an image file format commonly used in HTML documents.


An action on the Web site, such as when a user views a page or downloads a file.

Home Page

The main page of a Web site. The home page provides visitors with an overview and links to the rest of the site. It often contains or links to a Table of contents for the site.

Home Page URL

The local path or Internet URL to the default page of the Web site for which Firewall Suite reports will be generated.


Hyper Text Markup Language is used to write documents for the World Wide Web to specify hypertext links between related objects and documents.


Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is a standard method of transferring data between a Web server and a Web browser.

IP Address

Internet Protocol address identifying a computer connected to the Internet.

Log File

A file created by a web or proxy server which contains all of the access information regarding the activity on that server.

Page Views

Also called Page Impressions. Hit to HTML pages only (access to non-HTML documents are not counted).


The operating system (i.e. Microsoft Windows 95, 98, NT, etc.) used by a visitor to the site.


An established method of exchanging data over the Internet.


URL of an HTML page that refers to the site.

Return Code

The return status of the request which specifies whether the transfer was successful or not, and why.

Possible "Success" codes are:
200 = Success: OK
201 = Success: Created
202 = Success: Accepted
203 = Success: Partial Information
204 = Success: No Response
300 = Success: Redirected
301 = Success: Moved
302 = Success: Found
303 = Success: New Method
304 = Success: Not Modified
Possible "Failed" codes are:
400 = Failed: Bad Request
401 = Failed: Unauthorized
402 = Failed: Payment Required
403 = Failed: Forbidden
404 = Failed: Not Found
500 = Failed: Internal Error
501 = Failed: Not Implemented
502 = Failed: Overloaded Temporarily
503 = Failed: Gateway Timeout


A computer that hosts information available to anyone accessing the Internet.

Server Error

An error occurring at the server. Web server errors have codes in the 500 range.


An automated program which searches the Internet.

Suffix (Domain Name)

The two, three, or four letter (or more) suffix of a domain can be used to identify the type of organization.

Two letter suffixes are reserved for country codes (for intance .us = USA)

Some possible "Suffixes" are:
.com = Commercial
.edu = Educational
.int = International
.gov = US Government
.mil = US Military
.net = Network
.org = Organization
.info = Informational

User Agent

Fields in an extended Web server log file identifying the browser and platform used by a visitor.


Uniform Resource Locator is a means of identifying an exact location on the Internet. For example, is the URL which defines the use of HTTP to access the Web page default.asp in the /support/ directory on the Trustwave Web site). As the previous example shows, a URL is comprised of four parts: Protocol Type (HTTP), Machine Name (, Directory Path (/support/), and File Name (default.asp).

User Session

A session of activity (all hits) for one user of a web site. A unique user is determined by the IP address or cookie. By default, a user session is terminated when a user is inactive for more than 30 minutes. This duration can be changed from General panel in the Options, Web Log Analysis dialog. Synonym: Visit.


Each request for a particular web page which displays an ad. Also referred to as an impression.


Commonly called User Session. All activity for one user of a web site. By default, a user session is terminated when a user is inactive for more than 30 minutes.

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