Tier 2 and Tier2/Tier1 Scripts:

In an environment where Tier 2 time-based profiles have been implemented, end users receive filtering profiles after correctly entering their credentials into a Web-based Authentication Request Form. A profile remains active for a configurable amount of time even if the user logs out of the workstation, changes IP addresses, etc. However, since Tier 2 time-based profiles do not call for the Web Filter to maintain a connection with the client machine, the Web Filter can't detect when the user logs off of a workstation.

NOTE: To use these scripts, the client machine must already have the ability to connect to the Web Filter via NET USE.

Tier 2 Script
If using Tier 2, this script should be inserted into the network’s login script. If the network also uses a logoff script, Trustwave’s script should be inserted there as well. The inclusion of this script ensures that the previous end user’s profile is completely removed, in the event that end user did not log out successfully.

echo off
net use \\\LOGOFF$ /delete

if errorlevel 1 goto :try2
if errorlevel 0 echo code 0: Success
goto :end

if errorlevel 1 goto :try3
if errorlevel 0 echo code 0: Success
goto :end

if errorlevel 1 goto :error
if errorlevel 0 echo code 0: Success
goto :end

if errorlevel 1 echo code 1: Failed!

net use \\\LOGOFF$ /delete


Tier 1 and Tier 2 Scripts
If using both Tier 1 and Tier 2, this version of Trustwave’s script should be inserted into the network’s login script. Trustwave’s script attempts to remove the previous end user’s profile, and then lets the new user log in with his/her assigned profile.

echo off
NET USE \\\LOGOFF$ /delete

if errorlevel 1 goto :tryremove2
if errorlevel 0 echo code 0: Success
goto :endremove

if errorlevel 1 goto :tryremove3
if errorlevel 0 echo code 0: Success
goto :endremove

if errorlevel 1 goto :removalerror
if errorlevel 0 echo code 0: Success
goto :endremove

if errorlevel 1 echo code 1: Failed to send removal request!

net use \\\LOGOFF$ /delete

NET USE \\\R3000$
if errorlevel 1 goto :try2
if errorlevel 0 echo code 0: Success
goto :end

NET USE \\\R3000$
if errorlevel 1 goto :try3
if errorlevel 0 echo code 0: Success
goto :end

NET USE \\\R3000$
if errorlevel 1 goto :error
if errorlevel 0 echo code 0: Success
goto :end

if errorlevel 1 echo code 1: Failed!


For Tier 1 and Tier 2 users, if a logoff script is used on the network, the Tier 2 Script that begins on the first page of this document should be inserted into the network’s logoff script.


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