11.3 NDS Authentication in the Browser

Microsoft does not include any native support for transparent NDS authentication. Therefore, some user effort or additional configuration is required to authenticate using NDS.

11.3.1 Manual Authentication

By default, NDS users are prompted for a user name and password every time they open their browser (Basic Authentication). The pain of this can be eased in two ways.

User names can be typed in shortened format. See “NDS Name Conventions”.

Most web browser software provides a way to remember your user name and password so you only have to click OK.

11.3.2 Automatic Authentication

For Windows users, WebMarshal also includes a small utility called WMProxyLogon.exe. If this program is added to the logon script it will run as a system tray icon and periodically inform the proxy server of your NDS logon. While this program is running the user will not be prompted for authentication when beginning to browse.

By default the utility uses the current system proxy settings so if proxy settings are not properly configured the logon procedure will not work. To override these settings see Options below. Usage

Typically the WMProxyLogon.exe would be included as part of the all user logon script. The program is small enough that it can be run from its location on the WebMarshal server.

Double-click the system tray icon to see the current user information and/or exit from the program. Options

WMProxyLogon.exe has the following command line options:

/? shows help information

/Proxy:<server>:<port> overrides the system settings and forces WMProxyLogon.exe to com­municate with the stated proxy server. Note that the browser must still be configured correctly to use the proxy server.

/NoIcon disables display of the system tray icon.

WebMarshal User Guide October 2023
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