2.4 System Requirements

A single server installation of WebMarshal, or a Processing Server within an array, typically requires the following minimum hardware.

Table 2: System requirements




Minimum: Dual core, 2 GHz

Note: Use of HTTPS Content Inspection significantly increases the CPU load on processing servers (due to decryption and encryption of content). Depending on the amount of HTTPS traffic that is inspected, you may need to improve the CPU specification

Disk Space

Minimum: 20 GB free.

Additional disk space will be required on each processing server if Proxy Caching is enabled (30GB additional recommended if using default settings). See Trustwave Knowledge Base article Q12720

Additional disk space will be required on each processing server if text logging is enabled


Minimum: 4 GB available to the application (more if CRL checking is enabled)

Supported Operating System

Windows Server 2022

Windows Server 2019

Windows Server 2016

Windows 10 (permitted but not recommended)

Note: WebMarshal does not prevent installation or upgrade on earlier Windows versions. However, Trustwave cannot provide technical support if you encounter issues with these earlier versions

Network Access

TCP/IP protocol

External DNS name resolution to allow WebMarshal Servers to resolve Web addresses


Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 runtimes

Microsoft .NET 4.6.2

Note: The above software will be installed as part of the WebMarshal installation if necessary. Installation of .NET might require system restart

Antivirus scanning software supported by WebMarshal. For more information, see “Supported Malware Protection Software”

Port Access
(IPv4 and/or IPv6)

Port 19100: To Array Manager, from Console (.NET remoting)

Port 19101 To Array Manager, from Controller on processing servers

Port 19102: To Controller on processing servers, from Array Manager

Port 8080 and 8181 (by default) and/or others as configured: To processing servers, from web browsers and other client applications. By default WebMarshal accepts authenticated connections on port 8080 and controls access by IP address on port 8081.

Directory service ports: From all WebMarshal servers to the Active Directory, Windows, or NDS directory environment

NetBios over TCP: enabled for all WebMarshal servers. For more information see Trustwave Knowledge Base article Q12207



Note: Hardware requirements are dependent on the number and complexity of Rules enabled.

The suggested configuration supports a typical rule set for about 250 to 500 concurrent sessions.

If the optional WebMarshal reporting database will be hosted using SQL Express on the same computer, additional free disk space and RAM will be required.

If optional URL Filtering Lists will be used, please see Chapter 12, “WebMarshal and Filtering Lists” for additional requirements


2.4.1 Additional Software

Some scenarios require the following additional software:

To enable database logging for the Marshal Reporting Console (MRC) application, use Microsoft SQL Server or SQL Server Express. You can use SQL 2014 (SP1 or above), 2016, 2019, or 2022. Apply the latest service pack.


Note: Be aware of the database size limitations set by Microsoft for SQL Express. Supported versions of Express allow databases up to 10 GB in size.


The database can be located on any server accessible from the WebMarshal Array Manager com­ponent.

With SQL Express, you can use the instance installed by the MRC installer. You can also install SQL Express during the WebMarshal installation from the “with SQL Express” version of the instal­lation package, or download a standalone installer from the Trustwave website.

To enable user authentication for Novell NDS users, the Novell client software must be installed on the WebMarshal Array Manager computer. The current version is Novell Client 2. The latest versions of this client support all Windows versions supported by WebMarshal and are freely available for down­load from Novell.

2.4.2 Supported Operating Systems for WebMarshal Console

The WebMarshal Console can be installed on the following Windows versions:

Windows Server 2016

Windows Server 2019

Windows Server 2022

Windows 10

WebMarshal User Guide October 2023
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