10.2 Setting Up Spam Quarantine Management Features

The MailMarshal Spam Quarantine Management system includes a website that allows users to review and release email quarantined in one or more folders that you specify. The website also allows each user to maintain lists of allowed senders and blocked senders. You can use these lists in MailMarshal rules to help determine whether email sent to that user is spam.

For information about setting up the Spam Quarantine Management Website, see “Installing and Customizing Web Components”.

10.2.1 Spam Quarantine Management Windows

The Spam Quarantine Management Website includes the following pages:

Log In

Allows a user to enter an email address and password to log in to the Spam Quarantine Management Website. Also allows a user to request a login and to request a new password. MailMarshal only uses this page if you configure the site to use authentication by email address and password (“forms” authentication).


Allows a user to view a list of email blocked since their last visit, and summary charts of blocked and good email (if allowed by the administrative settings).

Blocked Mail

Allows a user to review a list of email quarantined in one or more folders. The user can see message details and release or delete each message. The user can also add the sender address to the blocked or safe senders list (if allowed by the administrative settings). If more than one folder is available through this site, the page shows a list of folders the user can review.

Message Details

Allows a user to view the initial part of the body and additional details of a message from the list of blocked email. The user can release the message or delete the message, and add the sender to blocked or safe senders.

Manage Senders

Allows a user to add, edit, or delete entries in lists of safe and blocked email addresses. MailMarshal uses these lists in the rule condition “Where sender is/is not in recipient’s safe senders list” and “Where sender is/is not in recipient’s blocked senders list.”

User Settings

Allows a user to configure site and address options.


Note: Some options can be globally enabled or disabled by the administrator (using options on the Administrator tab of the site).


Set the site look and feel.

Add or delete entries in a list of email addresses that they can manage using this login (if allowed by the administrative settings). Before adding a requested address to the list, MailMarshal requests confirmation by sending a message to the email address. The user must click a link in the message and confirm the request.

Delegate the power to review their blocked email to one or more other users. The delegates will also be able to edit the user’s blocked and safe senders lists. The delegates can choose which user’s email to review using a list at the top of the page. Depending on the site authentication set­ting, delegation is by email addresses or Windows user names.

Choose to receive, or not receive, specific digests (if permitted by the global settings of each digest).

Change Password

Allows a user to change the password associated with their login (email address) for this site. MailMarshal only uses this page if you configure the site to use authentication by email address and password.


Allows Site Administrators to perform configuration and administration functions for the Spam Quaran­tine Management site:

configure site settings

globally enable and disable use of site features including the charts, safe senders and blocked senders, email address management, folder counts, and “all folders” view.

delete users

view and act on blocked mail for any user

edit the safe, blocked, delegate, and owned email addresses for any user


Each page includes a link to a Help window that provides additional information about fields and func­tions.

10.2.2 Setting Up Folders and Templates

The primary use of the Spam Quarantine Management Website is to allow users to review messages that MailMarshal has quarantined as spam. You can configure the site to manage one or more folders used for this purpose. You can also configure the site to manage folders that are used for other purposes.

Each folder managed by the Spam Quarantine Management Website can contain either messages sent to local users or messages sent by local users, but not both.

To set up folders to manage spam with the Spam Quarantine Management Website:

1.Create or edit a MailMarshal folder. See “Using Folders and Message Classifications”.

2.In the folder properties, select (toggle on) Enable End-user Management for this folder.

3.Choose the setting Folder is used to manage messages addressed to a user.

4.If you want each user to receive a digested notification of messages addressed to or from them that have been quarantined in this folder, create a message digest that includes the folder. See “Setting Up Message Digests”.

5.Repeat Steps 1 to 4 for each folder you want to set up for Spam Quarantine Management.

10.2.3 Setting Up Message Digests

MailMarshal allows you to send email summaries to users, notifying them about messages addressed to or from them that MailMarshal has quarantined. When the SQM website is installed, users can release the messages directly from the digest email. Digests are often used for the same folders that are available for end user management in the SQM website, but you can also create digests to allow message releasing for other folders.

A digest only lists messages that have not been included in a previous digest.

A message digest can

Include information about messages in one or more folders

Include or exclude messages from digesting, by checking user groups

Be generated using one or more schedules. Each schedule causes the digest to be generated at a specified time on one or more days each week

Use a specified email template. To learn more about templates, see “Creating Digest Templates”.

Send digest emails to the recipient or sender of the original messages.

Send digest emails to each user with undigested email in the folder, or send all digest emails to a spec­ified address.


Note: Digests that send all digest emails to a specified address can be used for both inbound and outbound email.


Allow users to subscribe or unsubscribe from the digest using the SQM website or release webpage.

To work with message digests in the Management Console, select Policy Elements from the left pane menu tree and then select Message Digests from the right pane menu. Creating Message Digests

You can create as many digests as your policy requires.

To create a message digest:

1.On the toolbar, click Add.

2.On the Message Digest panel, specify the appropriate values. The Schedule, Folders and Notification tabs (buttons) allow you to set advanced features. Advanced features include multiple schedules, selection of email to digest by user group, and the recipient of digest emails (original recipient, original sender, or a single address for all digests). For more information about fields and workflow, click Help.

3.Click Save. Editing Message Digests

You can edit the name and features of a digest.

To edit a message digest:

1.Double-click the digest name in the right pane of the Management Console to view its properties.

2.On each field and tab, specify the appropriate values. For more information about fields and workflow, click Help.

3.Click Save. Deleting Message Digests

You can delete a digest if you do not want to produce the digest emails.

To delete a message digest:

1.Select the digest name in the right pane of the Management Console.

2.Click the Delete icon in the toolbar.

10.2.4 Setting Up Rules

MailMarshal places email in quarantine folders through rule action.

To set up spam Quarantine rules:

1.Create MailMarshal rules to move spam messages into each folder you have created. If you are using the default configuration provided with MailMarshal, rules are included in the Spam policy group to move spam messages into several folders.

2.Within the rule or rules, use the condition “Where the sender is in the recipient’s allow list.” Configure the rule so that messages that meet this condition are not quarantined as spam.

3.Within the rule or rules, use the condition “Where the sender is in the recipient’s block list.” Configure the rule so that messages that meet this condition are quarantined as spam.


Note: If you are using the default configuration provided with MailMarshal, the rules included in the Spam policy group use these conditions.

The user safe and block list conditions use the Safe Senders and Blocked Senders lists maintained within the Spam Quarantine Management website. If the SQM website is not in use, or if you choose to disable these lists (using the Administrator access to the SQM website), then these rule conditions will have no effect.


4.When a user releases a message from the SQM website, MailMarshal continue processing the message as specified in the rule that moved the message to the folder. For more information, see “BCC a copy of the message”.

10.2.5 Setting Up Spam Quarantine Management for Other Folders

You can configure any MailMarshal folder to be managed through the Spam Quarantine Management Website.


Note: Each folder can be used for inbound or outbound messages, but not both.


To set up folders to manage other messages with the Spam Quarantine Management Website:

1.Create or edit a MailMarshal folder. See “Using Folders and Message Classifications”.

2.Select (toggle on) the setting Enable End-user Management for this folder.

3.Select either Folder is used to manage messages addressed to a user or Folder is used to manage messages addressed from a user as appropriate.


Tip: When you create rules to quarantine messages in these folders, be sure to direct inbound (“to a user”) and outbound (“from a user”) messages to the appropriate folders. This setting is used to determine the local user who will be able to manage the messages through the Spam Quarantine Management website.

To set the recipient for digests, configure the “messages are treated as” setting in digest properties.


4.If you want each user to receive a digested notification of messages (addressed to or from them) that have been quarantined in this folder, create a message digest that includes the folder. See “Setting Up Message Digests”.

5.Repeat Steps 1 to 4 for each folder you want to set up for Spam Quarantine Management.

Trustwave MailMarshal 10.2.5 User Guide August 2024
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Full document: see MailMarshal Documentation.