9.15 Using the Group File Import Tool

The MailMarshal Group File Import Tool is a command-line tool you can use to import information into MailMarshal user groups.

Run the GroupFileImport.exe from the MailMarshal \InstallPath folder. By default, the installation path is \Program Files\Trustwave\Secure Email Gateway.


Caution: Replacing the membership of a large group can take a significant amount of time. If you plan frequent changes to groups that are actively used in rules, consider using Connector based groups or the REST API.


To use the group file import tool:

1.Using a text editor such as Notepad, create the input file that contains the names of the groups and user email addresses you want to import. For more information, see “Group File Import Text File Format”.

2.Log onto the Array Manager computer as a member of the local Administrators group or other user account with permissions to modify the registry.

3.Open a command window and navigate to the folder where you installed MailMarshal.

4.Type the group file import command with the options you want to specify. For more information, see “Group File Import Command Format”.

5.After the users and groups are imported, close the command window.


Note: User and group information is synchronized to processing servers within a few minutes. Configuration commit is not required. Group File Import Text File Format

To use this tool, create a file using a plain text editor, such as Notepad. The file contains group names followed by a list of email addresses of the users in each group. You can also use the asterisk (*) wildcard to allow address matching. The following text illustrates the file format to use:

Table 25: Group File Import file syntax



[New Group]

Group name


Email address


Email address


Several email addresses specified using wildcard Group File Import Command Format

Use the following syntax and options to issue the command:

GroupFileImport.exe [options] {-f inputfilename} 

The following example imports user addresses from mygroups.txt, and merges the addresses into the group if the group name already exists.

GroupFileImport.exe -m -f mygroups.txt

Table 26: Group File Import command options



-h {computer name or identifier}

Array Manager name or IP address. Defaults to localhost.

-p {IP Port}

Array Manager port (defaults to 19001).

-n {text}

Text string prefixed to all group names at import, such as File Group:


Merge imported data.


If a group in the import file has the same name as an existing group, existing items in the group are not deleted. MailMarshal adds new items from the import file group.

Using the command without the -m switch deletes all members from an existing group before importing the file contents.


Verbose mode. Generates warnings about individual group members for troubleshooting.

-u {user name}

User name used to connect to the Array Manager server. Defaults to the logged-on user.

-d {domain}

Domain in which the user name is found.

-k {password}

Password associated with the user name.


Prints help for the utility.

Trustwave MailMarshal 10.2.5 User Guide August 2024
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