2.8 Collecting Information for Installation

Before you install MailMarshal, you may want to collect the following information about your environment. When you run the Configuration Wizard after you install the product, having the following details handy can help you quickly configure MailMarshal.

Table 11: Information required for installation

Information required

My information

Names of computers where you plan to install MailMarshal components including: Servers, Array Manager/Management Console, database, and optionally, SQM and Marshal Reporting Console.


Prerequisite software for each computer where you will install software and the best time to restart each system, if necessary.


DNS server administrator of domains for which MailMarshal will process email and best time to make and propagate DNS changes.


Firewall administrator contact information, and best time to make and propagate firewall settings changes.


Antivirus software to use with MailMarshal.


Company name for MailMarshal license.


Names of local domains for which MailMarshal will process email (for example, mycompany.com or pop.mycompany.com)


IP address and access port for your existing Microsoft SQL server computer.


IP address and access port for your existing local email server.


If using POP3 mailboxes, decide how to route email for undefined accounts.


IP address and logon credentials for your directory server (Active Directory or LDAP).


Email address where MailMarshal will send administrator notification emails (existing or new account).


Email address email notifications to recipients will be from (reply to address) (existing or new account).


IP addresses of primary and optional secondary DNS servers MailMarshal will use for internal and external domain name resolution.


Server name, fully qualified domain name, or IP address of host and optional alternate to forward external email.


Existing outbound delivery details and required routing changes.


Existing inbound delivery details and required routing changes.


Trustwave MailMarshal 10.2.5 User Guide August 2024
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Full document: see MailMarshal Documentation.