9.16 Using the Configuration Export Tool

The MailMarshal Configuration Export Tool is a command line tool that allows you to export and import MailMarshal configuration settings from a command line interface or batch file. The input and output of this command is a zip archive that contains the MailMarshal configuration information.


Note: To import a configuration saved from MailMarshal 8.2 in XML format, use the Configuration Converter Tool described in “Using the Configuration Converter Tool”.


You can use the Configuration Export tool from any system that has HTTPS access to the Array Manager and the Config Service site. Default settings assume the tool is running on the Array Manager computer. Open a command prompt to run the command.


Caution: This version of the tool has different functionality compared to earlier versions. Some options have different meanings or defaults. Export Configuration Command Format

The syntax and options of the MMExportCfg.exe command are as follows:

MMExportCfg.exe -u {username} -p {password} [other options]

The following example imports the MailMarshal configuration from myconfig.zip to the local system.

MMExportCfg.exe -u admin -p admin -i -f myconfig.zip 

Table 27: Configuration Export Tool command options




Display help.


Specifies the name of the file for export or import. Use the extension .zip

-d {password}

On export, include DKIM keys and protect them with the password.

On import, import DKIM keys that are protected by the password.


Show verbose information about the import or export.

-a {URL}

Array Manager URL. Defaults to https://localhost:19006.

-c {URL}

Config Service URL, used to log in and get a credential (JWT ticket) to access the Array Manager. Defaults to https://localhost:19007.

-u {username}

Username to authenticate. This is always a MailMarshal username, not a Windows credential, regardless of the settings for Management Console authentication.

-p {password}

Password to authenticate.


Imports the configuration from the specified file.

Without the -i option, the command exports the configuration.


On import, replace DLL files such as Unpacker and FileType with the files from the import. If you do not include this option, the currently running copies of DLL files will not be changed.


Trustwave MailMarshal 10.2.5 User Guide August 2024
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