This article applies to:
- WebMarshal 7.5.5 and above
- Proxy caching
- How do I control caching of HTTPS content?
WebMarshal 7.5.5 and above caches static files delivered over HTTPS by default.
- This is a change from earlier versions that did not cache HTTPS content. This change reflects the reality that most reputable websites now use HTTPS for most content.
- Static files generally include scripts, images, and other helper files that do not contain sensitive content.
- HTTPS caching is only active for inspected HTTPS content. If your policy excludes a site from inspection, the content from the site will not be cached.
To disable caching of HTTPS content:
- Add entries to the WebMarshal Proxy Configuration file (WMProxy.config.xml) on each processing server
- The XFFEntry range should only include the load balancer IP addresses, not the client IP addresses
- Most installations will have only one XFFEntry element, but you can include more than one XFFEntry element if necessary
- Include quote marks but not braces
<Cache allowHTTPSCaching="false" />
- Restart the WebMarshal Proxy service.
- WMProxy.config.xml will include other entries. Do not change the other entries.
- The Cache element may exist and contain other attributes. Add the new attribute to the existing element.
- XML files are case sensitive.
- For general information about editing XML settings files, see article Q12705.