Using the MSOLEDBSQL database driver with WebMarshal

This article applies to:

  • WebMarshal 7.1 and above


  • How can I configure WebMarshal to use the MSOLEDBSQL driver?
  • How can I connect to a SQL server that requires TLSv1.2 connectivity?


By default, WebMarshal uses the SQLOLEDB database provider. This provider does not work with TLS version 1.2.

To allow WebMarshal to use a logging database on a SQL server that requires TLS 1.2 connectivity, add an attribute entry in the WebMarshal Array Manager Configuration file (WMArrayMgr.config.xml) as follows:

         <DB DatabaseProvider="MSOLEDBSQL;DataTypeCompatibility=80" />

To apply the change, restart the Array Manager service.


  • The DataTypeCompatibility parameter is required to ensure that some insertions are correctly performed.
  • For more information about editing XML documents, see Knowledge Base article Q12705.

Last Modified 6/19/2018.