This article describes the process of manually adding an SWG HTTPS certificate to an OSX keystore for use with HTTPS inspection.
- Export the HTTPS certificate from the SWG by navigating to Administration -> System Settings -> SWG Devices, and expand the left-hand Tree to reveal the Scanning Server HTTPS section
- Take the exported certificate, and copy it onto the Mac.
- Import the certificate into the OSX Keychain using the Keychain Access program
- Once imported, double-click the certificate in the Keychain Access window
- Set 'When using this certificate' to 'Always Trust'
- After the certificate has been loaded and trusted, navigate to System Preferences -> Network -> Proxies and ensure that the proxy for both HTTP and HTTPS is set.
- Close the web browser and reopen it. You should now be able to browse to HTTPS sites through the SWG as expected.