What is the meaning of product version numbers for Marshal products?

This article applies to:

  • Marshal product line
  • Trustwave SEG
  • MailMarshal SPE
  • Trustwave ECM/MailMarshal Exchange 


  • What is the meaning of product version numbers for Marshal products?


Marshal product version numbers consist of four parts separated by dots (for instance,

These parts have the following significance:

Major Version (6.x.x.xxxx)

A change in the major version number typically indicates architectural change or inclusion of major new features. Major version releases also include maintenance updates and fixes.

Minor Version (6.9.x.xxxx)

A minor version release generally includes some new features and enhancements, in addition to maintenance updates and fixes.

Release Type/Sequence (6.9.9.xxxx)

A change in the third part of the version number normally indicates a maintenance release (containing only maintenance updates and fixes).

    Build Number (

    This number uniquely identifies the source control revision used to create the software executables and packages. It is primarily of interest to the Trustwave product development and Quality Assurance team.

    Last Modified 3/1/2020.