SFG data mechanism and the use of 'Bypassed Context Scanning List' in SWG 10.x

This article applies to:

  • SWG 10.x


  • SWG 10.1 comes with a new Scan Engine (Entrapper). Is the SFG Data Mechanism and the "Bypassed Context Scanning List" still in use?


Inserting SFG Data tags to the page code was necessary in order to track and analyze a site in full context. If any problems occured with this, the solution was to add a site to the "Bypassed Context Scanning List". 

SFG data is still being used in the product but in less scenarios than before. For example java scripts are no longer marked with SFG since Entrapper (the new scan engine) now does pre-fetching, however, will still add SFG tags to java applets.

Due to the above, the need for this list has dramatically decreased but we still want to keep this functionality for other scenarios in case it creates a problem in the page.



Last Modified 8/29/2012.