Custom Blocked Page with all options

This article applies to:

  • Web Filter  (WF, R3000, WFR)


  • How can I create a custom blocked page for a Web Filter to show both the blocked information and web-based authentication option on a single page.
  • Create a custom blocked page which includes all options. For example, Override account, email etc.


Listed below is a sample.asp page that will include links for the following:
- Web based authentication
- Override account authentication
- Email link that includes the URL in question in the body of the email


There are several places below that reference the Web Filter by IP address or Hostname, so just make sure to update those with your Web Filter info.

Sample File:

<%@ Language=VBScript %>

Option Explicit

Dim url, ip, cat, user, str

url = Request.Querystring("URL")
ip = Request.Querystring("IP")
cat = Request.Querystring("CAT")
user = Request.Querystring("USER")

Private Function displayName(str)

select case str

case "ALCO"
 str = "Alcohol"
case "ART"
 str = "Art"
case "AUTO"
 str = "Automobile"
case "BANNER"
 str = "Banner"
case "BNL"
 str = "Books & Literature"
case "CHAT"
 str = "Chat"
case "COMICS"
 str = "Comics"
case "COMORG"
 str = "Community Organizations"
case "CULTS"
 str = "Cults"
case "DATE"
 str = "Personals"
case "DRUGS"
 str = "Drugs"
case "DUBIUS"
 str = "Unsavory / Dubious"
case "EDUCAT"
 str = "Education"
case "EDUCHT"
 str = "Education Cheating"
case "EDUGAM"
 str = "Educational Games"
case "EMPL"
 str = "Employment"
case "ESTATE"
 str = "Real Estate"
case "EXART"
 str = "Explicit Art"
case "FASHN"
 str = "Fashion"
case "FINAN"
 str = "Finance"
case "FITNS"
 str = "Fitness"
case "FREEHST"
 str = "Free Hosts"
case "GAMB"
 str = "Gambling"
case "GCRIMI"
 str = "Criminal Skills"
case "GENBUS"
 str = "General Business"
case "GENTER"
 str = "Entertainment"
case "GGAMES"
 str = "Games"
case "GNEWS"
 str = "News"
case "GOVT"
 str = "Government"
case "GPORN"
 str = "General Pornography"
case "GRTCRD"
 str = "Online Greeting Card"
case "GSTREAM"
 str = "Streaming Media"
case "HACK"
 str = "Hacking"
case "HATE"
 str = "Hate Groups"
case "HEALTH"
 str = "Health / Medical"
case "HOLSTC"
 str = "Holistic"
case "HUMOR"
 str = "Humor"
case "INSTMS"
 str = "Instant Messaging"
case "INTECH"
 str = "Information Technology"
case "IRADIO"
 str = "Internet Radio"
case "ISP"
 str = "Internet Service Provider"
case "KDPORN"
 str = "Child Pornography"
case "LCOMM"
 str = "Local Community"
case "LEGAL"
 str = "Legal"
case "LIFE"
 str = "Lifestyle"
case "MALCOD"
 str = "Malicious Code / Spyware / Virus"
case "MESBRD"
 str = "Message Boards"
case "MILAPP"
 str = "Military Appreciation"
case "MILOFL"
 str = "Military Official"
case "MOVTEL"
 str = "Movies & Television"
case "MUSAPP"
 str = "Music Appreciation"
case "OBSC"
 str = "Obscene / Tasteless"
case "ONLCLS"
 str = "Online Classes"
case "OUTREC"
 str = "Outdoor Recreation"
case "PARNML"
 str = "Paranormal"
case "POLTIC"
 str = "Political Opinion"
case "PR2PR"
 str = "Peer to Peer / File Sharing"
case "PROXY"
 str = "Public Proxies"
case "RECREA"
 str = "Recreation"
case "REFERE"
 str = "Reference"
case "RELIG"
 str = "Religion"
case "RELOPN"
 str = "Religious Opinion"
case "RRATED"
 str = "R Rated"
case "SE"
 str = "Search Engines"
case "SELFDE"
 str = "Self Defense"
case "SHOP"
 str = "Shopping"
case "SOCOPN"
 str = "Social Opinion"
case "SPORTS"
 str = "Sports"
case "TERROR"
 str = "Terrorist / Militant / Extremist"
case "THEATR"
 str = "Theater"
case "TICKET"
 str = "Tickets"
case "TOBACCO"
 str = "Tobacco"
case "TRAFIC"
 str = "Weather / Traffic"
case "TRAVEL"
 str = "Travel"
case "WEAPN"
 str = "Weapons"
case "WEBLOG"
 str = "Web Logs"
case "WEMAIL"
 str = "Web Based Email"
case "WNEWS"
 str = "Web Based Newsgroups"
case "WSTORE"
 str = "Web Based Storage"
case else

End select

displayName = str

End Function


cat = displayName(cat)


<script language=javascript>

function parseData(str, start, end)
 result = "";
 i = str.indexOf(start);

 if (i >= 0) {
  len = str.length;
  substr = str.substr(i+start.length, len - start.length);

  j = substr.indexOf(end);
  if ( j > 0) {
   result = substr.substring(0, j);
  else {
   if ( j != 0) {
    len = substr.length;
    result = substr.substr(0, len);
  return result;

function getData(){
 str = document.location.href;
 len = str.length;
 i = str.indexOf("?");
 if ( i>= 0) {
  query = str.substr(i+1, len-i-1);

  url = parseData(query, "URL=", "&");
  document.block.URL.value = url;

  ip = parseData(query, "IP=", "&");
  document.block.IP.value = ip;

  cat = parseData(query, "CAT=", "&");
  document.block.CAT.value = cat;

  user = parseData(query, "USER=", "&");
  document.block.USER.value = user;

function do_options(){
 document.block.action="http://your filter ip:81/cgi/block.cgi"


<h3>The web site has been blocked in accordance with internal regulations.</h3>


<form method=post name=block >
<input type=hidden name="SITE" value="_BLOCK_SITE_">
<input type=hidden name="URL" value="">
<input type=hidden name="IP" value="">
<input type=hidden name="CAT" value="">
<input type=hidden name="USER" value="">
<input type=hidden name="STEP" value="STEP2">

<tr><td align=right>Unauthorized Web Address:</td><td width=30></td><td><%=url%></td></tr>
<tr><td align=right>Computer Workstation IP Address:</td><td width=30></td><td><%=ip%></td></tr>
<tr><td align=right>Blocked Category:</td><td width=30></td><td><%=cat%></td></tr>
<tr><td align=right>User Group Identification:</td><td width=30></td><td><%=user%></td></tr>
<script language=javascript>
<p>For Web-based Authentication, <a href="&IP=<%=IP%>">
<a href="https://Filter IP or hostname:8081/AuthenticationServer/AuthenticationForm.jsp?URL=<%=URL%>&IP=<%=IP%>">Click Here</a></p>
<p><span class="contentbold">To submit this blocked site for review,
<a href=" For Review&body=Please review the following:%0d%0dURL:<%=url%>%0dCategory: <%=cat%>">Click Here</a>
<p>For further options, <a href="javascript:do_options()">Click Here</a></p>

Last Modified 4/24/2012.