This article applies to:
- Trustwave ECM/MailMarshal Exchange 7
- How do I customize the check for files delayed in the Replay directory?
- Why do messages get stuck in the Replay directory
In some cases email message files can remain in the Exchange Replay directory.
The default location of this directory is C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\TransportRoles\Replay
This can happen for instance in the case of a service stopping unexpectedly.
It can also happen if disk free space is low.
- Microsoft Exchange requires a minimum of 4 GB free space on the Exchange Transport queue drive in order to process email, so if the hard disk goes below this threshold MailMarshal Exchange will keep sending files to the Replay directory, but Microsoft Exchange will not pick them up.
The MailMarshal Exchange Engine periodically checks for "stuck" messages in this directory and re-submits them. By default the Engine checks every 40 minutes for files older than 20 minutes. If you see files older than this in the Replay directory, verify free disk space.
You can use Registry settings to adjust the threshold number, and the frequency of the checks.
Note: The default values are reasonable and most sites should not make any change.
To configure these settings:
- Edit the Registry on the MailMarshal Exchange Array Manager.
- Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Marshal\MMExchange\Default\Engine
Enter one or more of the following DWORD values (add the DWORD entries if they are not present):
- CheckReplayTime: Enter a decimal value.
- Time (in minutes) between the lookups.
- Default value: 40 minutes.
- ReplayResubmitTime: Enter a decimal value.
- Minimum age (in minutes) of files to resubmit.
- Default value: 20 minutes.
- To apply the Registry changes:
- Commit configuration changes
- Restart the Engine service on each email processing server (in Configurator > Server and Array Configuration > Server Properties).
Warning: Using the Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Trustwave cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Make sure that you back up your Registry prior to making any changes.