ZIPX not unpacked in MailMarshal versions before 6.9.6

This article applies to:

  • Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG) 6.2 through 6.8


  • Error in log Event for unpacking zipx files - Unpack for B4c720e020000.000000000001.0001.mml caught exception <Error unpacking C:\Program Files\Marshal\MailMarshal\Unpacking\T2\U2\filename.zipx, exit code (2)>
  • ZIPX files being dead lettered


The named versions of MailMarshal recognize ZIPX files as ZIP archives, but the unpacking utility provided cannot unpack the files. They are deadlettered as malformed.


To resolve this issue, upgrade to the latest version of Trustwave SEG.

This issue was first fixed in version 6.9.6.

All currently supported versions of MailMarshal or Trustwave SEG unpack these files correctly.


Last Modified 3/1/2020.