Authenticat.exe in debug

This article applies to:

  • WFR 
  • WF
  • R3000 


  • I have a question regarding the Authenticate program.  Is there a way from the registry entry or file to confirm that the Authenticate programs is executing?  I'm aware of reviewing Task Manager to determine the Authenticate program status, but can one check the registry entry or?



You can add some parameters in the authenticat file so that it creates a debug log that you can review. The debug log tells you all the needed information about the connection and authentication of the computer/user, and this is in terms of whether the computer is able to authenticat using the virtual IP address, or if there is anything wrong with the domain, or any error message or reason why the authenticat would be failing.


So if you look in the authenticat file or batch file that you are deploying, you should have something like:


                     authenticat.exe RA[vip]


You need to add the following parameters:


                    authenticat.exe RA[vip] LF[C:\] LD[2]


Where LF[C:\] indicates the path where the debug file would be stored in terms of directory on your computer, and the LD[2] is the level of debug to be written, and the higher you go (highest is 4 and lowest is 1) the more information you get.



Last Modified 2/15/2012.