Changing the update interval for IP Groups

This article applies to:

  • Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG) 6.8 and above


  • How do I change the automatic refresh interval for IP Groups in MailMarshal?


MailMarshal SMTP uses IP Groups for a number of purposes including Anti-Relay and DoS/DHA exclusions.

When you configure these features using domain names, MailMarshal resolves the names using DNS lookups.

By default, group information is refreshed every 5 minutes or when configuration is reloaded.

Due to the dynamic nature of DNS, in rare cases the default refresh time is not frequent enough to guarantee accurate results.

In MailMarshal SMTP 6.8 and above, you can adjust the IP group refresh time using a Registry entry.

This is an advanced setting and should not generally be changed. Setting the value too low can negatively affect performance.


On the email processing node server (note NOT the Array Manager)

For versions 8.X and below

  1. Edit the Registry
  2. Navigate to the SEG Node key:
    • In version 8.X: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Trustwave\Secure Email Gateway\Node
    • For full details of the location for each product version, see article Q10832.
  3. Add a DWORD value: IPGroupUpdateInterval
  4. Enter a value in seconds (Decimal). The default is 300 seconds.
  5. Continue to "for all versions"

For version 10.X

  1. In the SEG installation folder, locate and back up the file controller.config.json
  2. Edit the file.
  3. At the top of the file after the open brace { add the following line (where N is an integer setting the number of seconds).
    "IPGroupUpdateInterval": N,
    Note the comma at the end of the line.
  4. Continue to "for all versions"

For all versions

  1. Restart the Controller service. (Use the MailMarshal Server Tool or Windows Services Control Panel.) This action restarts other services.
    • In installations with large user groups, service restart can take several minutes and should be scheduled to minimize impact.
  2. If the installation includes more than one email processing server, repeat this action on each email processing server.

If this value is defined and it differs from the default value of 300 seconds (5 minutes), the Controller service text log includes the following message at each service start or configuration load:

Using custom IP group update interval of n seconds

As always, take due care when editing the Registry or editing JSON files. Syntax errors can cause the services to fail.

Last Modified 4/1/2020.