Allowing Motion JPEG Streams

  • Question
    Motion JPEG streams are a common file type among the myriad streaming content types found on the internet today.
    These streams are assembled with multiple individual JPEG files. Browsers use built-in technology to render it on the page.

    Finjan scanners do not identify this content as regular JPEG images because there are multiple images within the same session.
    As a result, a client would stall trying to stream this content through Finjan.

    The article below details the policy change that can be implemented to stream motion JPEGs through Finjan.

  • Answer

    The policy change can be implemented by following the steps below:

    1. Log in to the GUI interface for the Finjan policy server
    2. Navigate to Policies -> Condition Settings -> Header Fields
    3. Right-click the Header Fields folder, and choose the Add Component option
    4. Give the new Header Fields component a name, such as “Motion JPEG”
    5. Click the Add Header icon (green '+' icon)
    6. The Name of the header must be: Content-Type
    7. The Operator must be: Regular Expression
    8. The Value must be: multipart/x-mixed-replace.*
    9. Click Save

    10. Navigate to Policies -> Security -> Advanced
    11. Right-click your security policy, and choose the Add Rule option.
          Note:  A new rule will be added to the bottom of the rules set in your policy.
    12. Give the rule a name, such as “Allow Motion JPEG streams”
    13. The Action must be “Allow” and the Advanced Action must be “Bypass scanning”
    14. Click Save

    15. Right-click on this new rule and choose the Add Condition option.
    16. Choose Header Fileds from the Condition Name list
    17. Select the Header Fields list that was created in step 4 of this procedure
    18. Click Save

    19. This rule is ready to be moved.
          Right-click on the rule again, and select “Move rule to”

    20. We recommend to place it high enough and still below your “Block Access to Blacklisted Sites” rule.
          This will lower the potential security risk because the policy will not allow such content from blacklisted sites.
          Right-click one of the first rules in your security policy,  select “Before this rule” or “After this rule”.

    21. Click the Commit Changes icon.
          It would take few minutes for the policy change to commit to the scanner(s)

  • Software Version


  • This article applies to:
    NG 1000
    NG 5000
    NG 6000
    NG 8000
    This article was previously published as:
    Finjan KB 1915

    Last Modified 7/21/2009.