Vital Security for Web provides a flexible system to create scheduled reports, whereby each report can be set to run on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
Administrators generally choose to schedule weekly reports, but this weekly schedule may result in duplicate reports being generated on a specific day.
The following is an example of a duplicate report in VSOS 8.5.0:
A duplicate report in VSOS 9.0 (9.2):
The screenshots displayed above show that two reports were generated on the same day for two different time periods: February 2009 and March 2009.
The duplicate report behavior is related directly to the Log Database Granularity.
In the example below, the system is set to maintain ogs and reports databases on a monthly basis:
As a result, when a report is scheduled to run for the first time in any month, it will create the report based on two separate reports databases:
One report is created for the last few days (from day 6 to 1) of the previous month, and another report is created for the first few days (from day 1 to 6) of the current month.
Software Version
- This article applies to:
- NG 1000
- NG 5000
- NG 6000
- NG 8000
- This article was previously published as:
- Finjan KB 1869