How can I configure SSH access to the Load Balancer switch (NG-8040)?
The relevant command is only available while using the serial access for configuration (see related article What kind of cable do I need for the 8040 Serial Console? -
>> Main# /c/sys/access/sshd
[SSH Server Menu]
intrval - Set interval for generating the RSA server key
hkeygen - Generate the RSA host key
skeygen - Generate the RSA server key
sshport - Set SSH server port number
scpadm - Set SCP-only admin password
ena - Enable SCP apply and save
dis - Disable SCP apply and save
on - Turn SSH server ON (SSHv1/SSHv2)
off - Turn SSH server OFF
cur - Display current SSH server configuration
>> SSH Server# on
Apply and save.
Telnet access just provides the command for enabling the SCP option:
>> Main# /c/sys/access/sshd
[SSH Server Menu]
sshport - Set SSH server port number
ena - Enable SCP apply and save
cur - Display current SSH server configuration
The current settings can be checked with the command "cur" (current)
>> Main# /c/sys/access/sshd/cur
SSH RSA server key autogen disabled
SSH RSA host key currently ready to service
SSH RSA server key currently ready to service
SSH server currently on port 22
SSH SCP-only administrator password not configured
SSH SCP apply and save currently enabled
SSH server currently ON
The config dump then shows
/c/sys/access/sshd/ena (SCP enabled)
/c/sys/access/sshd/on (SSH enabled)
Software Version
- This article applies to:
- NG 8000
- This article was previously published as:
- Finjan KB 1554