How can I configure SSH access to the Load Balancer switch (NG-8040)?

  • Question
    How can I configure SSH access to the Load Balancer switch (NG-8040)?

  • Answer
    The relevant command is only available while using the serial access for configuration (see related article What kind of cable do I need for the 8040 Serial Console? -

    >> Main# /c/sys/access/sshd
    [SSH Server Menu]
         intrval  - Set interval for generating the RSA server key
         hkeygen  - Generate the RSA host key
         skeygen  - Generate the RSA server key
         sshport  - Set SSH server port number
         scpadm   - Set SCP-only admin password
         ena      - Enable SCP apply and save
         dis      - Disable SCP apply and save
         on       - Turn SSH server ON (SSHv1/SSHv2)
         off      - Turn SSH server OFF
         cur      - Display current SSH server configuration

    >> SSH Server# on

    Apply and save.

    Telnet access just provides the command for enabling the SCP option:

    >> Main# /c/sys/access/sshd
    [SSH Server Menu]
         sshport  - Set SSH server port number
         ena      - Enable SCP apply and save
         cur      - Display current SSH server configuration

    The current settings can be checked with the command "cur" (current)

    >> Main# /c/sys/access/sshd/
    SSH RSA server key autogen disabled
    SSH RSA host key currently ready to service
    SSH RSA server key currently ready to service
    SSH server currently on port 22
    SSH SCP-only administrator password not configured
    SSH SCP apply and save currently enabled
    SSH server currently ON

    The config dump then shows
    /c/sys/access/sshd/ena (SCP enabled)
    /c/sys/access/sshd/on (SSH enabled)

  • Software Version

  • This article applies to:
    NG 8000
    This article was previously published as:
    Finjan KB 1554

    Last Modified 3/23/2009.