When trying to configure a 3rd party load balancer, the URL for health check does not work.
When trying to check whether the appliance is responsive or not using the http://Vital.Security.Health.Check URL, you get a 502 Bad Gateway message (also when trying to surf this URL with a browser such as Firefox or Internet Explorer).
Try telnetting to the IP of the scanner in port 8080 and type the following:
GET http://Vital.Security.Health.Check HTTP/1.0
This should return a 403 forbidden or 407 authentication required.
After you receive one of these replies above, you should set the health check URL in the load balancer as follows: http://Vital.Security.Health.Check
- This article applies to:
- NG 1000
- NG 5000
- NG 6000
- NG 8000
- This article was previously published as:
- Finjan KB 1519