How can I enable Wall Clock Time report

This article applies to:

  • Enterprise Reporter


  • How can I enable Wall Clock Time report?


If Wall Clock Time is enabled, Wall Clock Time Reports can be generated by the administrator. These reports use the Wall Clock Time algorithm to calculate the amount of time an end user spent accessing a given page or object—disregarding the number of seconds from each hit and counting each unique minute of Web time as one minute. Using this algorithm, an end user could never have more than 24 hours of Web time within a given 24-hour period.


. Login to ER admin GUI (http://er-ip:88 or https://er-ip:8843)

. From the Database menu, select Optional Features.

. Click the radio button corresponding to “ON” to make the Wall Clock Time Report selection available in an administrator’s Custom Reports menu on Web Client.

. Click Apply to apply your setting.


Since Wall Clock Time reports are processed each night, any changes made to settings today will not effective until the following day.

Last Modified 6/30/2009.