Apple Authenticator install script fails on OSX 10.4

This article applies to:

  • 8e6 Authenticator (Mac Version) 
  • R3000


  • On an OSX 10.4 system, when attempting to run the install script via the recommended command of "sudo ./ <virtual IP>", you may get a line 32 error when the script is looking for the virtual IP.


  • The problem is a conflict with the shell that's running versus the shell that's expected by the script (which was made for OSX 10.5).


You can simply comment out the section of the script that causes the issue with no adverse effects.  The affected portions should be:

if ! [[ $R3KIP =~ [0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+ ]]
echo "ERROR: First parameter should be the IP address of the R3000"
exit 2

This should simply be commented out as such:

#if ! [[ $R3KIP =~ [0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+ ]]
#echo "ERROR: First parameter should be the IP address of the R3000"
#exit 2

Last Modified 6/22/2009.