Placing warning on a site prior to accessing the site

This article applies to:

  • R3000/WE/WFR


How do I force a user to get a Warning on a site that they visited and can I place a warning on a site whose other category is set to Allow, ie (Allow & Warn)? 


You can only place a Warn on a site that also exist in a Pass category or that is not categorized at all in the filter.


For example, if you have the site existing in the General Business library category and it is also existing in your custom category for example called TrueTest, and the General Business category is set to “Allow” while your custom category (TrueTest) is set to “Warn” you would not be able to get the warn page because of the filtering precedence of “Allow” having higher priority. So you would want to make sure that the General Business category is set to “Pass” and the your custom category (TrueTest) or any other category that the site exist in is set to "Warn".


So enforcing a warning on a site would require setting one of the library categories to "Warn" and making sure that all other categories that the site exists in is set to "Pass" ONLY

Last Modified 5/22/2012.