Retention periods for SPE status and health information

This article applies to:

  • MailMarshal SPE 2.3.6 and above


  • What is the Retention Period setting for arrays and servers in the SPE Admin Console?
  • What is the retention period for message handling information?
  • How can I configure retention of server health information in MailMarshal SPE?


MailMarshal SPE maintains server health and status information, and message handling information, in SQL tables.
In recent versions the retention period for this information is configurable.

Release 2.3.6 and above

The health and status tables are pruned automatically so they do not continue to grow indefinitely.

The retention period for the data is configurable on a per array and per mail server basis. If no period is specified for the mail server, the array retention period will be used.

A process runs periodically to perform this pruning.

The process deletes records in batches, and waits between batches so as to reduce load on the database.

By default:

  • The process runs once a day a 2 am
  • If more than 10000 records are to be deleted, the process sleeps 5 minutes between batches

The default values can be manually overridden by making entries in the Registry on the SPE Web server (under the \Marshal\MailMarshalSPE\MaintenanceAgent key)

The registry values are

  • DatabasePruner (dword): the interval, in seconds, to run the pruning worker
  • DatabasePrunerMaxRecords (dword): the maximum number of records per table to delete (the larger this value, the slower the delete)
  • DatabasePrunerSleepInterval (dword): the number of seconds to sleep if more than the {DatabasePrunerMaxRecords} records are required to be deleted in the database


Release 3.0 and above

Message handling information is pruned automatically so that it does not continue to grow indefinitely. Records are deleted from the SQL table after a retention period (by default, 100 days). The deletion process runs daily at 00:30.

The retention period can be configured for each array, using the Web Admin Console (Server configuration > Arrays > Edit an array).

Last Modified 8/8/2010.