Best practices for custom categories

This article applies to:

  • R3000/WFR/WF


What are some best practices for the filter?


Backups are mandatory
If your hard drive fails with no backup file, you will lose all your custom categories that you have added which can amount to hundreds of url's. please do one and download it to a safe place for access. This simple step can save you hours of work if we ship a new hard drive.

The new software on WF or WFR machines, FTP backup's can be set to automated with the ftp credentials.
For older models go to the R3000 Gui and click on System>backup/restore>check both boxes library and configuration then click backup and after a few seconds click refresh to see file. Then save to a PC so you will have access to it in the future.

Saving CPU time on library reloads:
If you have many url's to upload to a custom category, and do not want to add one at a time?
Put together a list of url's on notepad, the format used are url's  in a vertical fashion, not coma delimited (see below).

Note:you cannot mix wild cards and regular urls in one list, must be separated.

Warning: Do not leave the slash! at the end of the url that you upload, otherwise the filter will add another one making the upload useless

You can use notepad to remove all backslashes by putting a / with the Edit>replace menu, on notepad the just leave the replace with blank and replace all.

1.Select the right custom category for the uploads

There are two buttons, in Library>Category Groups>Custom Category>your category >URLS 

Look for buttons at the bottom: "upload wildcard Master" or "upload master", do not use nslookup only on domain names just use domain names.

  Warning: This will overwrite your current list every time you upload. So keep this flat file safe somewhere.

Sample of a good format:

Wildcards look like this:



2. For single urls, Do not add a url and reload every time,  just apply action for each url and reload when all have been loaded.

3. If your a consortium or ISP or give subadmin rights to your customers, please send them a best practice tip not to reload
multiple times during peak hours, this process takes cpu from the filter and can cause slippage in filtering.

4.Use wild cards to cover subdomains in a domain.
example wild card  *

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Last Modified 4/26/2012.