Which search engines is keyword filtering supported?

This article applies to:

  • R3000 Enterprise Filter


Which search engines is keyword filtering supported?


In which search engines is keyword filtering supported?

1.Customers can add search engine keywords to their filters under Library>Category Groups>Custom Category as needed to block bad words or any keyword searches on other search engines.The bad words can be blocked using a keyword and url keyword checked in the filter options section.
2.To find filter options and enable them go to the profile of the group and look for the tabs on top, select filter options and make your selections. You can also add international language keywords. You may also block by keywords as phases, up to 75 alphanumeric charecters.
3.Sex is not a keyword that we put in by default because our education customers need to search on sex education.
4.Over blocking can result in blocking international domains like "uk"  because the any word that starts with uk will get blocked.

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Last Modified 5/11/2009.