The Rule1 BYPASS is not bypassing the Minimum Filtering Level.

This article applies to:

  • R3000


The Rule1 BYPASS is not bypassing the Minimum Filtering Level.


The Rule1 BYPASS is not bypassing the Minimum Filtering Level.


The way the Rule1 BYPASS works is that it does not log the traffic-- in which it allows the traffic to bypasses the filter and the Minimum Filtering Level. If for some reason, the R3000 Admin modifies the Rule1 BYPASS, then that adds a parameter to the Rule1, in which now traffic would be logged and the Minimum Filtering Level will be enforced.

To revert the settings, it would be necessary to contact Trustwave Technical Support. The fix will require backend access to the appliance.

This article was previously published as:
8e6 KB 300028

Last Modified 12/23/2008.