SMTP Alert Message: An error occurred while delivering this message. Please try a different email address/check the SMTP server settings

This article applies to:

  • R3000


When I tried to send an alert message (System->Alert->SMTP Server Settings) from the filter I get the error message indicated below:

"An error occurred while delivering this message. Please try a different email address/check the SMTP server settings


You need to make sure your internal email server allows the R3000 to relay mail. The SMTP settings in the R3000 are relatively simple:

  • "SMTP server" is the server it connects to
  • the HELO name it uses is the R3000 Hostname
  • the MAIL FROM is whatever you configured in the Alert Settings

So just make sure on your exchange server or whatever email system you use, it is set to accept internal emails from your R3000 hostname/IP. You can also set the SMTP Server setting as localhost, but it is not ideal. This means that R3000 will acts as the SMTP server itself, so when trying to send to your local domain, it will try to connect to the outside MX record of your domain, which is inefficient if it is already inside.

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8e6 KB 293922

Last Modified 6/8/2010.