How to swap a source R3000 with a new box

This article applies to:

  • R3000


How to swap a source R3000 with a new box


How to swap a souce R3000 with a new box

If you have multiple R3000's in synchronization, it's fairly simple to replace one of the target boxes; simply put it in "Target mode" and point it to the source box.  Replacing a SOURCE box with a new box, however, involves a few more steps.

You can configure the new box "from scratch," but this article assumes that you want to do a backup/restore to copy the configuration from the old box to the new one.

1.  Check the version on each box--make sure they're the same!

2.  On the current source box, go to System -> Backup/Restore.  Do a backup of the configuration and library (combined).

3. Download the backup file to your workstation.

4.  Go to System -> Network -> LAN Settings and copy down the IP addresses, default gateway, hostname, and nameservers.  (These network settings are NOT saved in the backup).  It's especially important to copy the hostname correctly because the R3000 uses it to authenticate to our update servers.

5.  Go to Group -> Global Group -> Range to Detect.  Having a Range to Detect is optional, but if you have one, make sure to make a note of it.

6.  Go to System -> Synchronization -> Synchronization Setup; copy down your synchronization settings.

7.  Shut down the source box.

On the NEW R3000:

1.  Configure the LAN Settings on the new R300, and then REBOOT.

9.  Go to System -> Backup/Restore.  Upload your backup file, and then do a RESTORE.

10. Go to System -> Synchronization -> Synchronization Setup and make sure these settings match the old source box.

11.  Add the Range to Detect, if needed.

12.  Go to Library -> Library Updates -> Manual Update.  Perform a Full URL Library Update.  This will take about 2-hours!  (When you restored the configuration, it wiped out the "core" 8e6 library, so you have to download it again).

Note:  As you can probably guess, it's important to keep CURRENT backups of the source box, and download the backups to your workstation for safekeeping.  Also,  you can only perform a "restore" if both boxes are at the same version.  You should apply all software updates as they become available, and then generate a new backup. If it ever becomes necessary for us to replace the system, it will have the latest version.

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Last Modified 4/10/2008.